
en-63 - Arena level 150

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Top 1000 Honour & Top 1000 gold last 7 days
v0.1.33 | EN-63

210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

ARENA - Current farmers

(top 10 Arena level 150 for last day)

ARENA - Current farmed

(top 10 Arena level 150 for last day)

ARENA - Global farmed

(top 30 Arena level 150 since beginning)

Player Montego [ENOMENOI]

Statistic |Average arena 150 |Current stats |Today |Last day |Last 7 days |Last 30 days
Level: -156---+1
Current life: -26.226+8.641-10.156-2.743-6068
Max life: -27.989---+1.489
Experience (current): -81.135+2.189+4.594+21.148-24808
Experience (max): -113.010---+1.885
Honour: -213.965.871+105.036+237.514+1.109.646+4.523.432
Fame: -864.936+139+649+4.002+14.197
Points: -2.552----

Strength: 11891.318---+1
Skill: 13601.706---+1
Agility: 14211.706---+1
Constitution: 940871----16
Charisma: 12721.318---+1
Intelligence: 12231.200----117
Armor: 3399738.012--18-2+5.850
Damage (min): 9521.047--1-1+85
Damage (max): 10531.157--1-1+95

Critical percent: -41----6
Critical damages: -590----80
avoid-critical-points: -170----60
Chance to avoid critical: -15----5
Chance to block: -40---+5
Blocked damages: -691---+100
Healing: -3.208----45
Critical healing: -440---+177
Chance to critial heal: -19---+7

Battles (Arena): -99.302+18+69+385+1.342
Wins (Arena): -76.996+14+54+287+991
Defeats (Arena): -22.284+4+15+98+351
Draws (Arena): -22----
Issued hit points (Arena): -348.759.721+108.611+425.259+2.223.454+7.512.560
Taken hit points (Arena): -182.106.843+60.149+257.743+1.400.879+4.851.967
Gold captured (Arena): -167.368.160+17.170+346.446+1.038.802+3.586.224
Gold lost (Arena): -20.721.352-+28.718+91.361+329.634
Wins in a row (Arena): -205----

Battles (Turma): -78.724+23+74+446+1.716
Wins (Turma): -66.801+13+55+346+1.262
Defeats (Turma): -11.922+10+19+100+454
Draws (Turma): -1----
Gold captured (Turma): -153.282.228+1.229+32.804+1.091.630+3.572.944
Gold lost (Turma): -26.345.237+1.579+15.515+216.816+773.585
Wins in a row (Turma): -32----
1318 => 0

TURMA - Current farmers

(top 10 Arena level 150 for last day)

TURMA - Current farmed

(top 10 Arena level 150 for last day)

TURMA - Global farmed

(top 30 Arena level 150 since beginning)
Generation time: 1.439 sec.

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