
en-63 - Arena level 130

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Top 1000 Honour & Top 1000 gold last 7 days
v0.1.33 | EN-63

210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

ARENA - Current farmers

(top 10 Arena level 130 for last day)

ARENA - Current farmed

(top 10 Arena level 130 for last day)

ARENA - Global farmed

(top 30 Arena level 130 since beginning)

Player kabbal [BigBalls]

Statistic |Average arena 130 |Current stats |Today |Last day |Last 7 days |Last 30 days
Level: -135--+1+1
Current life: -13.196-622-5.341+4.247+665
Max life: -27.975--+50+375
Experience (current): -9.842+6+1.805-62.224-36572
Experience (max): -76.565--+1.570+1.570
Honour: -101.071.871-+93.951+655.090+1.929.270
Fame: -779.367-+410+4.121+14.564
Points: -2.446----

Strength: 9011.140--+6+6
Skill: 11081.475--+3+11
Agility: 11621.136----
Constitution: 879958--+1+14
Charisma: 10531.137---152-148
Intelligence: 9741.140--+1+6
Armor: 2654931.886----
Damage (min): 751838--+1+1
Damage (max): 840924--+1+1

Critical percent: -50----
Critical damages: -607---+1
avoid-critical-points: -263----
Chance to avoid critical: -25----
Chance to block: -49---1-1
Blocked damages: -724--+1+1
Healing: -2.736--+1+5
Critical healing: -228--+1+2
Chance to critial heal: -12----

Battles (Arena): -70.142+2+45+363+1.276
Wins (Arena): -41.454+2+29+225+830
Defeats (Arena): -28.673-+16+138+445
Draws (Arena): -15---+1
Issued hit points (Arena): -238.551.971+10.287+202.942+1.362.612+5.255.621
Taken hit points (Arena): -195.418.243+8.789+144.499+1.124.563+3.966.196
Gold captured (Arena): -371.576.371-+28.712+1.886.461+11.950.862
Gold lost (Arena): -59.673.912-+36.959+428.272+1.447.146
Wins in a row (Arena): -96----

Battles (Turma): -74.748+2+44+374+1.368
Wins (Turma): -47.273+1+26+231+889
Defeats (Turma): -27.472+1+18+143+478
Draws (Turma): -3---+1
Gold captured (Turma): -364.726.217-+9.580+1.917.898+13.260.977
Gold lost (Turma): -76.613.019+4.693+48.397+579.151+2.386.847
Wins in a row (Turma): -76----
1140 => 0

TURMA - Current farmers

(top 10 Arena level 130 for last day)

TURMA - Current farmed

(top 10 Arena level 130 for last day)

TURMA - Global farmed

(top 30 Arena level 130 since beginning)
Generation time: 2.404 sec.

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